
2023-06-06 22:36:52 来源:互联网

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1、卷Ⅰ(选择题 80分)一、选择填空(共30分,1分/题)( )1.What ______the women _______over there?A is , do B are ,doing C is , doing D. are do( )2.--Are you playing basketball? --______.A Yes, I am B No, you are C Yes, I do D No,you don’t( )3.I want _______the room. Could you please _____me?A to clean; to help B cleaning; helpingC to clean; help D clean ; to help( )4.Bill doesn’t like cooking _____cleaning.A and B or C but D so( )5.--_______does your mother do? --She is a doctor.A How B Who C What D Where( )6.____Lin Tao and Li Lei want to swim?A Are B Do C Does D Is( )7.He likes_______and ______football.A singing; plays B sing; playing C singing; playing D sing; play( )8.--________are the students playing basketball?--On the playground(操场)A What B Where C How D Why( )9.I play volleyball_________.A every days B every of day C every week D everyday( )10.I see a lot of money, but it’s not________money.A I B my C mine D me( )11.--___________? --Chinese.A Where do you teach B Are you good at ChineseC What do you teach D Do you teach Chinese( )12.--What is he? --________.A He works in a bank B He is working a police stationC He’s a waiter D He’s a man( )13.Is there a school_______Children___5-8 ?A of ; for B for; for C for ; of D of; of( )14What ______subjects does he like?A others B another C other D the others( )15.--______these tigers _______from?A Where ;are B What; are C Where; come D Where are; /( )16.I like dogs because they are______ friendly.A a kind of B kinds of C kind of D a kind( )17.Look! The pandas _____leaves over there.A eat B eating C are eating D eats( )18.I don’t like the big bear, because it’s_____.A smart B beautiful C funny D ugly( )19.There is a police station________.A on my way home B on my way to home C at my way home D at my way to home( )20._________is the way ________the bank?A Where, to B What ;to C Which; to D Which ;of( )21.You can find the market _______this street.A at B from C on D between( )22.Li lei with his friends often ______to the zoo to see animals.A go B will go C goes D is going( )23.Don’t play____ fire(火). It’s very dangerous.A / B the C a D with( )24.How can he ________the new district?A get to B arriving C arrive D get( )25.You can ____some music here.A listen B see C enjoy D look at( )26.--When did you come to this school? --_______2000A On B At C In D From( )27.--Do you know the student _______David and Jeff?--Yeah. It’s Jim.A among B in C between D around( )28.______so much noise? It may wake up the baby.A Why not make B Why make C Why not to make D Why don’t make( )29.Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and ____?A she B I C his D me( )30.They arrive _____Beijing _______the morning of July 7th.A at; on B in; on C at; in D in; in 二、完形填空(10分,1分/题)My friend Tonny is an American 1 . He is ten years old. He lives 2 his family in China now. There are 3 people in his family; his mother Mrs Green, his father Mr. Green and his little sister Amy. He has a white cat. 4 name is Betty. Look!Amy is playing 5 Betty. His father, Mr Green,is watching TV. His mother is doing housework. What about Tonny? He is doing 6 Chinese homework. He can’t 7 Chinese well, but he likes Chinese very much. Tonny’s 8 works in a TV station.His father worksin a school as an 9 teacher. Tonny and his sister 10 to the same school.( )31.A girl B boy C cat D dog( )32.A on B after C with D in( )33.A two B three C four D five( )34.A His B Her C It’s D Its(它的)( )35.A to B with C from D at( )36.A her B it’s C a D his( )37.A say B tell C speak D talk( )38.A father B mother C sister D brother( )39.A Chinese B Japanese C English D Austrlian( )40.A go B goes C going D to go 三、阅读理解(40分,2分/题)(A)从方框中选出各句的最佳答语,有两项是多余的。

2、41.Why do they like koala ?42. How old are you ,Miss Smith?43. Where is she from?44. Aren’t you a student?45. Are the girls looking at me? A: It’s a secret(秘密).B: She is very young.C: Because they are very cute.D: Yes, they are.E: Because they like them very much.F: She’s from the US.G: Yes, I am(B)The Blacks are from Paris. Now they are in Beijing .This is their first to China.They are going to stay in China for over two weeks. They want to visit some big cities. They want to learn some Chinese, too.Mr. Black is a driver. He likes driving in Beijing very much. Mrs Black is a teacher. She often visits a middle school in Beijing. She likes to speak French with the students there.They take many photos in China. When they are back to France, they are going go show the photos to their friends. They want the French people to know more about China.( )461.The Blacks come from__________.A America B England C France D Canada( )47.The Blacks are staying in ________ now.A England B China C Shanghai D France( )48.What does Mr Black do? He is a _______.A driver B teacher C farmer D student( )49.Mrs. Black likes talking with Chinese students in_____A Chinese B English C French D Japanese( ) 50.The Blacks take a lot of photos in China because they____A like taking photos(照相) B want to sell the photos for moneyC want to take the photos to EnglandD want the French people to know more about China(C)It’s seven forty in the morning. The students are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some of the students are laughing(笑) and talking. Some others are listening to them.Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework. Miss Zhao is standing behind the teacher’s desk.She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Lily are wearing their new dress.Ann is cleaning her desk,Mike is helping her. They all look happy.What are Bill and Jim doing?Oh, dear ,they are still playing basketball on the playground( )51. The students are______A. in the school B. at home C. in a boat D. on the playground( )52.—Who is the teacher for this class?--__________.A.A girl B. Miss Zhao C. Sue D.Miss Gao ( )53.What are the students NOT doing?A. Doing their homework B. Laughing or talkingC. Writing on the basketball D. Reading books ( )54.How many students are playing basketball now?A. Only one B. Two C. Many D. We don’t know( )55.Which of the following is NOT right?A.Ann is cleaning the teacher’s desk.B. Mike is helping AnnC. Bill and Jim are still playing basketball.D.The students all look happy in the morning.(D)There is a public(公共)library called Xinhua Library in our town. It’s open from 8 in the morning to 8:30 in the evening. On weekends it is open from 8 to 10. It is closed on public holidays.(假期)My father and I often go the library. My father always goes to the second floor. I like to read books for children on the first floor. Sometimes we go to the third floor to watch video programs or listen to music.根据短文,填写表格中的空格(每空一词,2分/题)Xin hua Library Opening HouseMon. to Fri.: 8:00am to 1 Sat. and Sun: 8:00am to 2 Public Holidays: 3 First Floor: 4 librarySecond Floor: Adults’(成年人)libraryThird Floor: 5 and cassettes(磁带) 1__________2_________3__________4_________5___________卷Ⅱ(非选择题 40分)一、用所给词的正确形式填空(18分,每空1分)1. Miss White___________(come) from England. She__________(want) to be a writer.2. Where__________your aunt__________?(work)She __________in a hotel.3.. Dophins are very _____________(friend) to people.4. Where are the _____________(woman) singing?5. Koala like eating_______________(leaf)6. Let’s_______________(is) quiet. The boy is sleeping.7. --What_________your brother__________(do) now? --He ____________(write)8. Lucy often____________(do) her homework after dinner. But this evening,she__________(watch)TV.9. Pengguins need a ____________(swim) pool.10. Which animal _______________(live) only in China?11. Lilei wants___________(meet) others, she is very shy.12. He can_______________(take) a bus there.二、句型转换(10分,1分/空)1.I am reading(就划线部分提问) __________ ______________ you___________?2.—Is Kate eating lunch at school?(作肯定回答) ----Yes,___________ ___________.3.She plays tennis in the morning.(用now替换划线部分)She__________ ____________ ______________ _______________.4The supermarket is next to the post office.(就划线部分提问). _____________the supermarket?答案第一卷1-5BACBC 6-10BCBCB 11-15CCCCD16-20CCDAA 21-25CCDAC 26-30DCBDB31-35BCCDB 36-40DCBCA 41-45CAFGD46-50CBACD 51-55ABCBA 1. 8:30pm 2. 10:00pm 3. closed 4. children’s 5. leaves。






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